PAL provides services to youth aging out of the foster care system to expand their skills and knowledge, strengthen their self-confidence, create healthy community relationships, and learn self-guidance. PAL provides transition services to foster youth and alumni from ages 15 1/2 to 21 in order to better prepare young adults for their freedom.

BCFS contracts with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) for the Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) program for all of South Texas (regions 8 and 11), and contracts the PAL transitional-living program in East Texas (regions 4 and 5).
Benefits to Youth Moving from Foster Care to Adulthood
The Chafee Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 increased support to youth in foster care preparing for the transition to adult living. Our programs provides services to help youth get an education, receive vocational services, find employment, access medical services, obtain housing, and establish relationships that improve outcomes in the transition to adult life.
Texas provides the following benefits to youth when they move from foster care to adulthood:
- Transitional Living Allowance
- Tuition and Fee Waiver
In order to receive the following benefits, youth must remain in state’s conservatorship (in-care) until the 18th birthday.
- Aftercare Room and Board Assistance
- Transitional Medicaid
- Texas Education and Training Voucher Program (ETV)
- Reimbursable Expenses