Congressman Cuellar Cuts Ribbon on New Mobile Medical Unit 

LAREDO – Congressman Henry Cuellar was joined today by state and local elected officials, healthcare leaders and first responders for a ceremony dedicating a new, state-of-the-art emergency response and medical asset that will deliver care to individuals along the border and in areas impacted by disaster. The mobile medical unit was funded by the Lamar Bruni Vergara Trust and BCFS Foundation. It is operated by BCFS Health and Human Services (BCFS HHS), a global organization that has provided medical care and case management to individuals and families in Webb County for more than a decade.
“Communities along the border face a unique set of challenges in providing healthcare to their citizens, especially for those that live in colonias,” said Congressman Cuellar.  “The Healthy Start program not only helps people who specifically request assistance, but more importantly its services go into areas where residents are often isolated geographically. This new mobile unit will continue to break down barriers by bringing care directly to communities along the border that have some of the highest rates of poverty and lack of insurance. I would like to thank everyone that has played a role in this milestone of healthcare and emergency preparedness for our citizens of Webb County.”
The unit, which will serve on a daily basis as part of BCFS HHS’ federal Healthy Start program, is outfitted with an exam room, sophisticated monitoring technology such as a non-fetal stress test monitor and ultrasound, and other medical tools needed to fulfill its mission of delivering prenatal and postpartum care to women living in the colonias. It is also equipped with neonatal capabilities should a hospital need to evacuate during an emergency, such as what happened during Hurricane Sandy. In addition, the vehicle can serve as a rehab resource for fire fighters and other first responders, equipped with liquid cooling vests, wireless vital signs monitors, oxygen units and other tools to assist responders during an emergency.
“Emergencies happen on micro and macro levels, depending on the vantage point of those who are impacted,” said Kevin C. Dinnin, BCFS President & CEO. “From an expectant mother who wants nothing more than her child to be born healthy but cannot access proper medical care, to fire fighters and first responders who put their own lives in danger to help those in peril, having a multifaceted tool in the toolbox like this mobile medical unit is going to increase the overall safety and wellbeing of many throughout Laredo and beyond. BCFS is proud to be part of that effort.”
Since 2001, BCFS HHS has led the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy Start program with the aim of reducing infant mortality, preventing child abuse, and assisting families in meeting basic health needs. Since transportation is not readily available for a large number of residents in the colonias, BCFS HHS’ mobile medical unit breaks down barriers to health by bringing care directly to families. The unit is stationed at various community health centers and other designated sites throughout the week and is staffed by nurses from BCFS HHS and its partner, Doctors Hospital of Laredo. In addition, BCFS HHS also provides case management services to address families’ medical, social, financial, educational, legal, housing, parenting and employment needs.
Most mothers in the program would never receive prenatal care if it were not for BCFS HHS, and nearly all went without care for previous children. Thanks to BCFS HHS’ Healthy Start, more women in Webb County are receiving prenatal care than ever before.
BCFS HHS’ Emergency Management Division is a non-profit partner of federal, state and local government and private industry, and has been tapped to respond to catastrophic disasters throughout Texas and around the world, including the H1N1 flu pandemic and countless hurricanes, tornados, fires, floods, hazardous material spills and earthquakes.

Café by Day, Youth Center by Night (and on Weekends too!)

A new partnership between Guadalupe Street Coffee and Cruzan’s, a family-owned restaurant known for its artistic and healthy approach to traditional comfort foods, blends healthy eating with healthy living, all in a hip, safe haven for youth located on San Antonio’s West Side.

Guadalupe Street Coffee and Cruzan’s Partner to Promote Health Living and Opportunity on San Antonio’s West Side

For more than five years, Guadalupe Street Coffee – sponsored by BCFS Health and Human Services – has been a safe and positive after-school haven for students on San Antonio’s West Side. With a focus on increasing school retention and enhancing teens’ likelihood of graduation, the coffee shop became a hot spot for club meetings, study groups, art shows and more. However, in recent years, Guadalupe Street Coffee found its health and human service mission competing with the restaurant responsibilities inherit in operating in a full-service café
That’s why, this month, the coffee shop unveiled a new partnership with Cruzan’s, a family-owned restaurant known for its artistic and healthy approach to traditional comfort foods. Now known as Guadalupe Street Coffee y Cruzan’s, the latter will operate as a restaurant from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays and 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturdays, then make way for the former to provide youth and community-focused programs, such as mentoring, GED classes, resume-building workshops and more. Various programs are offered on weekdays as well as weekends by Guadalupe Street Coffee, BCFS Health and Human Services, and other community partners.
“Our shared focus on promoting healthy living – whether that’s through eating well or  getting help to pursue higher education – makes this a complimentary and comprehensive partnership that can really benefit our community,” said Ben Delgado, BCFS Executive Vice President – International and Community Operations.
Shortly after opening his catering and personal chef business, Chef Keith Cruzan relocated to the heart of the cultural arts district with a mission to bring more healthy eating options to West Side San Antonians.  He began offering cooking classes to the public, as well as local nonprofits, in order to educate local residents on proper nutrition. “Hopefully, this restaurant will be a way for me to give back to a community that has supported my family and my business from the very beginning,” said Cruzan.
Cruzan’s offers a variety of menu options ranging from gourmet sandwiches to classics, plus unique dishes like the Paleo Chicken and Waffle Salad.  A variety of freshly-made meals are also available for pick up along with a small retail area for take-home healthy options.  Guadalupe Street Coffee y Cruzan’s also boasts a full coffee bar featuring organic fair trade coffees and from scratch flavor bases.
Guadalupe Street Coffee y Cruzan’s is located at 1320 Guadalupe Street. For more information about this partnership, as well as menu options, daily specials and hours of operation, please visit

BCFS Men’s Breakfast is a “Grand Slam!”

Big news was made during the program as President & CEO of BCFS HHS’ parent organization, Kevin C. Dinnin, announced the organization would match dollar-for-dollar – up to $500,000 – all gifts given to complete the capital campaign.

Organization announces $500,000 matching grant to complete the Kerrville Transition Center capital campaign

More than 180 men – and many women too – came together to support the development of Kerrville’s new youth transition center, operated by BCFS Health and Human Services (BCFS HHS). The baseball-themed breakfast featured former pro-outfielder and author of Headed Home: A MLB All-Star’s Search for Truth, Glenn Wilson.
Big news was made during the program as President & CEO of BCFS HHS’ parent organization, Kevin C. Dinnin, announced the organization would match dollar-for-dollar – up to $500,000 – all gifts given to complete the capital campaign.
“BCFS is investing in this program because, like many other philanthropic foundations throughout this community, we believe not only in its mission, but in its effectiveness to make Kerrville a safer and more prosperous place to call home,” said Dinnin.
BCFS HHS established the Kerrville Transition Center in 2007 as a “one stop shop” where youth in foster care or those who face the potential of homelessness could receive counseling, case management, access to medical care, emergency housing assistance, life skills training, literacy training, educational support, and connections to employment and educational opportunities. Over the years, demand for services at the center exploded beyond original projections. The transition center and its partners now serve more than 4,000 youth, young adults and families annually.
Fueled by a $500,000 challenge grant from the Cailloux Foundation, BCFS HHS has secured more than $1.7 million to build the $2.2 million facility. The organization intends to begin construction of the new facility in early 2014. The new center will be built on a site provided by the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country, and will also house Partners in Ministry-Vision Youth, Families & Literacy, Inc. and Art 2 Heart.
“Supporting the Kerrville Transition Center has at least five-times the impact thanks to all the partners that will use this location to serve those in need,” said Terri Hipps, BCFS HHS Executive Director – Community Services Division. “By leveraging and maximizing our shared talents and resources, our new center will be able to serve more deserving youth and families through even more effective means.”

Kids ‘n Boots Mission Teams Prepare to Deploy

Photo: Kids n boots stalking

For over a decade, the international division of BCFS Health and Human Services, Children’s Emergency Relief International (CERI), has led winter boot missions to Eastern Europe before Christmas. Each year, CERI volunteers personally fit children who are orphaned and in need with brand new socks and winter boots. Historically, CERI alternated missions between Moldova and Transnistria. This year, CERI is excited to announce the expansion of its winter boot missions to Ukraine and Romania!

In cooperation with New Hope International in Ukraine and Project Ruth in Romania, CERI volunteers will outfit over 3,600 children with brand new warm, winter boots. Mission teams will travel to 27 orphanages in Ukraine around the city of L’viv and also distribute boots to severely impoverished Roma (Gypsy) communities of Bucharest, Romania.

Visit to learn more about our international division.

Project Fundraising Goal:     $90,000
Cost of Boots:     Just $25 per pair!

DONATE today to support the 2013 Kids ‘N Boots mission!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

BCFS Health and Human Services to Hold Candlelight Vigil to Honor Those Affected by Violence 

According to the Texas Council on Family Violence, more than 100 women are killed each year as a result of domestic violence. Abuse at the hands of a boyfriend, spouse or other intimate partner has touched the lives of more than 1-in-3 women in the state. Recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month not only remembers victims – and survivors – but also increases understanding of how to prevent and protect against domestic violence.
“It is commonplace to hear things like, ‘it’s not domestic violence because I’ve never been hit’ or ‘it’s not really domestic violence because he only does it when he’s mad,’” said Raquel Frausto, senior program director for BCFS Health and Human Services (BCFS HHS), Del Rio’s service provider for individuals affected by domestic violence.
“Rather than report abusive actions, people may shy away from the term ‘domestic violence,’ finding it too harsh of a description of what is occurring,” Frausto continued. “Whatever the reason for the confusion, everyone needs to understand the basics of domestic violence and how to respond when it occurs.”
BCFS HHS operates Del Rio’s domestic violence program, offering direct services to individuals in Val Verde and surrounding counties that include access to emergency care, safety planning, and coordination of legal assistance in civil and criminal cases.
On Thursday, October 17, BCFS HHS will hold a candlelight vigil in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The event, called Breaking the Silence: Speak Up and Be Heard, will be held at the Casa de la Cultura from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in a relationship used to gain or maintain “power and control” over an intimate partner. Such abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological. It can include action or threats of action to influence another person, such as sexual assault, stalking or any behavior that frightens, intimidates, terrorizes, manipulates, humiliates, blames or injures someone else. Examples include withholding money from a partner, threatening to kill pets or children, threatening to kill oneself in the event of a breakup or divorce, or constantly belittling or criticizing an intimate partner.
Domestic violence is not limited to gender, class, race, religion, economic status, age or sexual orientation. Whether a couple is married, living together, divorced or dating, any pattern of behavior used to maintain power and control over a partner is considered to be domestic violence.
If you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-779-SAFE (7233) or call BCFS HHS at 830-768-2755. All help is FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. 

The Building Blocks of Faith

BCFS Health and Human Services, together with a team of compassionate and handy neighbors in Kerrville, Texas, helps a seventy-seven year old single great-grandmother with sole custody of her three young great-grandchildren expand her home to meet CPS licensing standards.

By:  Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie
To say Wanna Runyan has a full house is an understatement. The seventy-seven year old single great-grandmother has sole custody of her three young great-grandchildren: six year old twins, Payton and Paige, and their five year old sister, Kodi. Runyan, who also cares for an elderly family member, could no doubt make a happy home for the girls, but she needed another bedroom in her small Kerrville home to comply with Child Protective Services licensing standards.
Photo: Woman and girls
Runyan and her great-granddaughters loved the butterflies, pink paint and other girlie accents that made their new room feel like home.

How would she ever get a room addition? “It would have to be a miracle,” Runyan said.

Neighbors and friends heard about Runyan’s dilemma. One such acquaintance, a volunteer from Christian Assistance Ministry, contacted Partners in Ministry and the ball started rolling.
“It is indescribable how it all came together,” said Jeff Anderson, Executive Director of Partners in Ministry. Anderson began working with a neighbor, Bob Meader, who drew up plans for the project. TJ Moore Lumber Yard, Home Depot and MG Builders all donated supplies or gave discounts to make the room addition come together.
BCFS Health and Human Services’ (BCFS HHS) Kerrville Transition Center (KTC) was asked to assist with labor. YouthBuild, a program of KTC, helps young adults who dropped out of high school further their education goals while also learning the construction trade. YouthBuild construction manager, Keith Schoonmaker, said his youth put in more than 120 hours of sweat and hard work, learning to give back to their community.
One BCFS HHS YouthBuild student, Eddy, shared his excitement about the project. “To go from nothing to being a room was amazing,” he said. “I loved the experience and learned a lot.”
“When they started building, I cried,” smiled Runyan. “I could not believe it was happening to me. It was like a dream.”
“When you do not have much money, something like this is like winning the lottery,” she continued.
Runyan’s three great-grandchildren became very fond of BCFS HHS’ YouthBuild youth and staff, looking forward each day to their arrival on the construction site. Schoonmaker and his assistant, Russell Wells, even made the three young kids wear safety goggles and a hard hat when they came out to “help.”
Last month, more than thirty-six friends, staff and volunteers from BCFS HHS, Partners in Ministry and Christian Assistance Ministry gathered for the ribbon cutting and the celebration.
When the doors opened to the pink bedroom, six year old Paige was asked, “Who built your new room?”
“Jesus built this room,” she answered.

BCFS Health and Human Services Awarded Grant to Strengthen Families throughout Texas

BCFS Health and Human Services is launching a new dynamic, community-based parenting program aimed at reconnecting, strengthening and empowering families to create positive environments for their children.

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services awarded BCFS Health and Human Services (BCFS HHS) a five-year contract to lead a dynamic, community-based parenting program aimed at reconnecting, strengthening and empowering families to create positive environments for their children. The program, called Texas Families: Together and Safe (TFTS), will serve more than 2,100 families annually in Bexar, Cameron, Hidalgo, Nueces and Kerr counties.

“Being a responsible parent involves making decisions in the best interest of your child. It also means learning from mistakes and making better choices in the future to ensure children feel safe and loved, no matter what,” said Terri Hipps, BCFS HHS executive director of the Community Services Division. “Strengthening communication and learning more about the perspectives of all members of a household are proven ways to mitigate abuse and build an unbreakable bond within a family.”

Families with children ages 3 to17, who do not have an open CPS case or a previously substantiated case of abuse or neglect, are eligible to participate in the program. TFTS’ lessons and tools are beneficial to any parent interested in learning how to bond with their children, while still guiding, supervising and disciplining them when necessary. Classes are especially suited for families with added stressors, like overworked parents, single parents, divorced couples, and foster parents – or anyone interested in learning how to create a healthier home for their child. Parents who participate in the ten-week course will receive wraparound support services, including referrals to other community providers and assistance meeting their basic needs.

The TFTS curriculum focuses on how to best:

  • Reduce conflict and improve family communication
  • Improve behavior problems in children
  • Deal with complicated, strong emotions
  • Validate a parent’s strengths
  • Deal with complex issues like aggression, alcohol and violence

Families interested in participating may visit to learn more.

Hal and Charlie Peterson Foundation Invest in Youth Transition Center

The Hal and Charlie Peterson Foundation Invests $125,000 in Building Kerrville’s New Youth Transition Center

The Hal and Charlie Peterson Foundation has awarded BCFS Health and Human Services (BCFS HHS) $125,000 toward the construction of a new Kerrville Transition Center that serves youth in foster care and those facing other struggles, such as homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, unplanned pregnancies and more. The project has received significant support from many community leaders, organizations and philanthropists passionate about filling an unmet need for youth of the Hill Country.

“Since we opened Kerrville’s original transition center six years ago, demand for services has exploded,” said Terri Hipps, BCFS HHS Executive Director of the Community Services Division. “We are grateful to the Peterson Foundation and all those who have and will invest in the expansion of transitional care services, so we may continue to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and, importantly, non-duplicated care to youth making the transition into independence and adulthood.”

Transition centers bring together under one roof services such as counseling, case management, access to medical care, emergency housing assistance, life skills training, literacy training, educational support, and connections to employment and educational opportunities. The new transition center will continue to be operated by BCFS HHS, while also housing four other non-profits: Art 2 Heart; Families & Literacy; and Partners In Ministry-Vision Youth. In addition, it will provide space on an as-needed basis for other community partners to directly offer services to youth.

The capital campaign was fueled by a $500,000 challenge grant from The Cailloux Foundation to build a new “one stop” transition center on the non-profit block managed by the Community Foundation. The new 16,000 square foot Kerrville Transition Center will provide a robust place where compassion and help will be available to serve more than 4,000 individuals in need each year. Christian Women’s Job Corps and Big Brothers Big Sisters will remain on the campus and offer coordinated services as well.

“We support the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country and BCFS HHS in this capital project and urge others to support it as well,” said Sandy Cailloux Executive Director of the Cailloux Foundation. “Helping at-risk youth and young adults become more responsible and self-sufficient gives them a much better start in life and strengthens our entire community.”

All gifts to the new Kerrville Transition Center are tax deductible. Checks may be made out to BCFS and mailed to 550 Earl Garret Suite 114 in Kerrville or at

Graduation Ceremony Honors Boerne Head Start Students

Program Promotes Academic Achievement and School Readiness or Children Ages 3-5

Photo: Child graduation

Nearly 50 preschoolers, excited and giggly, donned white caps and gowns and contagious smiles for the graduation ceremony of the Head Start program operated by BCFS Education Services. Proud parents and family members had their camcorders and phones at the ready to capture the sweet memories and they cheered on the little graduates.

The BCFS Education Services Head Start program in Kendall County aims to propel students from disadvantaged backgrounds toward academic success and prosperity through the provision of educational, health, nutritional and social services. Head Start is a national program funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that promotes school readiness in children ages 3 to 5.

“Graduation is such an important milestone for Head Start students and their families,” said Rebecca Goodwyn, BCFS Education Services Program Director of Kendall County Head Start. “Children leave the program having acquired skills and confidence that set them up for success in kindergarten and hopefully throughout their academic career. We focus on building a strong foundation for future learning and growth.”

Each BCFS Education Services Head Start classroom focuses on individualized teaching and comprehensive support services, complete with field trips, meals and snacks, parent trainings, mental wellness, health services, dental exams, disability services and even free bus transportation. To learn more about BCFS Education Services Head Start program, visit

Guadalupe Street Coffee Receives $50,000 from Rapier Foundation

“Growing up in a rough neighborhood shouldn’t sentence any child to a life of crime, poverty, poor health or other struggles,” said Catarina Velasquez, BCFS HHS Program Director for Guadalupe Street Coffee. “Thanks to investments made by organizations like the Rapier Foundation, Guadalupe Street Coffee will continue be a force on the West Side that increases school retention and enhances teens’ likelihood of graduation and future success.”

The Rapier Foundation announced a $50,000 investment into BCFS Health and Human Services’ (BCFS HHS) West Side community development project, Guadalupe Street Coffee.

Located in the heart of San Antonio’s West Side, the coffee shop provides a safe environment that fosters continued learning and educational opportunities for local students. Most students who come into the coffee shop attend school in the San Antonio Independent School District (SA ISD), which only has a 4 year on-time graduation rate of 60.5 percent. Only 56 percent of local residents older than 25 years of age graduated from high school or achieved a higher level of schooling, and 57.7 percent do not have a high school diploma.

“Growing up in a rough neighborhood shouldn’t sentence any child to a life of crime, poverty, poor health or other struggles,” said Catarina Velasquez, BCFS HHS Program Director for Guadalupe Street Coffee. “Thanks to investments made by organizations like the Rapier Foundation, Guadalupe Street Coffee will continue be a force on the West Side that increases school retention and enhances teens’ likelihood of graduation and future success.”

Guadalupe Street Coffee provides job training to teens and leads educational activities that promote healthy – and affordable – nutrition and daily living for local families. According to SA ISD, per capita income on the West Side in 2007 was $9,925. Within a 2 mile radius of Guadalupe Street Coffee, more than 52 percent of residents live below the poverty level.

Guadalupe Street Coffee has also become a hot spot for the West Side’s cultural scene, hosting poetry nights, movies and dance shows that introduced students to the arts and encouraged positive outlets for self-expression.

In six years, the project has served 10,000 school-age children and provided close to 9,000 hours of free services to at-risk youth, such as homework and financial aid assistance, job training, and lessons on nutritional eating and healthy living.

“We understand the importance of education and see BCFS’ Guadalupe Street Coffee as a viable way to mold the young generation of today toward prosperous futures tomorrow,” said Dr. George and Kym Rapier.

The Rapier Family Foundation was founded in 2006. The Rapier Family Foundation donated more than $1 million annually to various causes, including stay-in-school and youth initiatives, animals in need, seniors and children’s health programs from 2006 until 2010. Beginning in 2011, the Rapier Family Foundation has pledged nearly $30 million to San Antonio-area non-profit organizations. The Trust is named after Dr. Rapier’s late son, Blake.