Circles of Support

An alternative to unhealthy decision making for youth in transition

Circles of Support is a program for youth (15 ½ – 18) who are still in state care and are preparing for emancipation. Circles of Support offer youth the opportunity to build on their strengths and find their own solutions and support for their journey into adulthood.

The Circle of Support encourages involvement by family, friends, community, and DFPS, who provide needed information and resources that encourage youth success. This allows those that care most about the youth to participate with the youth as a team in key decisions about his/her life. The COS Conferences focus on strengths rather than weaknesses, encourages participation by everyone, focuses on the youth’s culture, and searches for long-term solutions within the circle of support that will nurture and encourage a healthy plan for their future.

Private time for the youth’s COS team is an important part of the conference, allowing the youth’s COS team to create its own plan, which is then discussed and approved by DFPS. The COS Conferences are held in neutral locations and on days and times convenient to the youth and their COS team.

Circles of Support have been successful around the world in helping youth to develop an individualized plan for their future beyond foster care and empowers the youth to successfully provide for his/her future. Together with their COS team, youth will take a look at educational, employment, financial, medical, cultural, and basic life skill needs in order to become self-sufficient.

For more information or to schedule a circle of support, contact us at 210.733.7932.