Devin, a young man who lives in Our House transitional apartments operated by BCFS Health and Human Services-Kerrville, recently celebrated his high school graduation. By his side stood his mentor, Kathleen Maxwell-Rambie, Interim Director for BCFS-Kerrville.
Our House apartments provide shelter and transitional services to young adults ages 18 to 25 overcoming homelessness.
Devin received his diploma from Hill Country High School, a campus that serves students who struggled to graduate at the district’s traditional high school.
He was wiping away happy tears as he received his diploma and the principal declared, "this graduation wouldn't have been possible without BCFS and Mrs. Maxwell-Rambie’s help."
“I was the only adult there for Devin's graduation other than school officials,” said Kathleen. “He had some friends and classmates there, but no one else from his family attended.”
A few months prior, Principal Steve Schwartz contacted Kathleen to share that Devin had been missing class for weeks at a time. Kathleen spoke with Devin, checked up on him regularly, and began holding him accountable for his attendance and school performance. Devin began attending class regularly and turned to Kathleen for help along the way.
Congratulations, Devin, from everyone in the BCFS family!&
BCFS-Kerrville serves as a resource to provide counseling and support services to students in need in local schools. Visit for more information.