BCFS was founded in 1944 in San Antonio, TX as a home for children. Today, BCFS is a global health and human services non-profit organization that spans around the world, helping children, families and communities in need on five continents.
Our ever-expanding work includes residential services and emergency shelters for abused or neglected children, assisted living services and vocational training for developmentally disabled adults, mental health services for children and families, foster care and adoption services, pre-natal and post-partum health services, and international humanitarian aid for children living in impoverished conditions in developing countries.
One of our most rapidly growing services areas is disaster response. Having began our emergency and sheltering efforts during the 1993 Branch Davidian incident in Waco, BCFS has now become a national leader in medical and general population sheltering during disasters.
In 2004, BCFS was summoned by the Sri Lankan government to provide emergency support after the devastating tsunami. A year later, we were tapped to lead medical sheltering efforts during hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Success in these efforts have led to many opportunities for BCFS to serve in emergencies, such as providing care to the women and children of the FLDS incident in West Texas, supporting critical operations at one of the only open hospitals following the Haiti earthquake; and sheltering thousands of Gulf Coast residents during hurricane seasons.
As conditions around the world change, BCFS will continue its tradition of caring for society’s most vulnerable by innovatively extending a hand of compassion to respond to those in need both in our own backyard – and around the globe.