BCFS Health and Human Services-Abilene

Serving Abilene youth and parents in need

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BCFS Health and Human Services-Abilene provides case management and assistance with education, employment and housing to youth from the foster care system and youth struggling with other challenges.

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In addition, local parents rely on parenting education programs from BCFS Health and Human Services-Abilene to foster environments of love and stability in their homes.

Services provided by BCFS Health and Human Services-Abilene:

For Families & Parenting Education:

Project HOPES: Provides flexible, community-based programs to support families with young children 0-5 years of age to overcome any barriers they might be facing.

Fatherhood EFFECT: Teaches dads critical parenting skills and how to create a healthy home environment for their children.

For Teens, Youth & Young Adults:

  • Our House: Transitional shelter for young men and young women experiencing homelessness.
  • Case Management: Assistance with budgeting, life skills classes, driver’s license or ID, SNAP, birth certificate, Medicaid, CHIPS, social security, and the City Link Transit System. Help finding resources for housing, clothing and medical.
  • Education/Career Assistance: Referral to GED classes and tests, help locating school records and tracking down documentation, college applications, college tours, FAFSA, Life Skills classes, and assistance searching for jobs, job applications, resumes, mock interviews, and appropriate interview/work attire.
  • Employment Advocate: Provides qualified, pre-screened applicants by assisting employers in evaluating their hiring needs and matching those to individuals with the skills and talents required for each job.
  • TWC Case Management: Assists foster youth with employment, including skills assessment and career goals, as well as any other needs before and after aging out of foster care. A partnership with the Texas Workforce Commission.
  • Preparation for Adult Living (PAL): Helps youth ages 16-21 prepare for adult life when they leave foster care by expanding their skills and knowledge, and strengthening their self-confidence.
  • Community Youth Development (CYD): Offers mentoring, youth leadership development curriculum, a youth advisory committee and services that prepare students for life after high school.